Sick of your best talent leaving for pastures new?
You want a strong leadership pipeline, but your best talent see
better opportunities elsewhere.
✔ How can you show them a future - a fulfilling career that aligns with their personal goals?
✔ How can you develop them and keep their valuable skills within your organisation?
✔ How can you make sure you have the stellar talent that your business needs
to plan for the future?
At Talupp, we see integrated succession planning as the key to solving those problems.
What if you could harness the power of a succession mentality?
At Talupp, we see succession planning as the linchpin of sustained business success. Integrated succession planning:
✔ drives increased retention
✔ amplifies productivity across your teams
✔ ensures the future of your company
Rather than being something you deal with one a year as you panic to pull together all the data you need to fill your 9 box grids.
With Talupp, succession planning can run through the bones of your whole organisation. Informing recruitment decisions, driving individual employees’ development, and showing you where top talent needs to be nurtured - so they stick around.
All backed up by the powerful analytics of our Growth+ engine.

An integrated platform that makes development easy
When you use Talupp, everything is linked.
Managers can easily keep track of individual performance. Personal goals are linked to organisational goals. AI-driven personalised development journeys inform your succession planning.
There's no disconnect; it's all housed in our easy-to-use dashboard.
And, with our powerful analytics, you can measure and showcase the effectiveness of succession strategies with intuitive reporting.
So, you can always be sure that your talent's growth is aligned with your organisation's long-term strategic goals.

"The project secured a 98% completion rate for the career conversations. This meant that executives were able to conduct people reviews by the end of the year with accurate and timely data."
“Companies like Talupp understand your needs. They target the solution for you. With other companies, you have to adapt to them, but with Talupp you have the freedom to get exactly what you and the organisation want.”
“The Talupp platform provides a structure to see that development through and it has enabled development conversations to become the norm.”